Divorce - Different Like Me


Divorce Services We Provide

  • Counseling – Individual / Children / Family
  • Coaching 
  • Collaborative Facilitation
  • Florida Supreme Court Certified Mediator
  • Parenting Coordination
  • Divorce Parenting/Skill Training

When a marriage ends, it can often be emotionally traumatic for the family. Counseling can help a person cope with the emotional, familial, financial, social and physical challenges of the divorce process. Therapy enables a person to learn more about themselves, develop coping skills, and embrace this life transition as an opportunity for growth and personal development.

We will help you to move forward, make decisions, plan and adjust to your “new normal”. Participants can be seen as an individual, a couple, or a family to work on moving forward, making decisions, planning and adjusting to the new situation.

Learning how to talk to your kids about divorce can also be challenging and anxiety producing for all. We can help you develop a strategy of how to present the divorce and other associated plans to your children in a non-anxiety producing manner.

Children are the silent victims of divorce. Everything is changing, where they live, who they live with, household rules, schedules, what they eat, who does their homework with them and more. It is important to remember that children need to process all of the changes that are evolving with the divorce too! Even the best of parents can get so wrapped up in their own issues that they may not notice the challenges of their children. 

Children experience a wide range of emotions and thoughts when their parents go through a divorce. Often times, they experience guilt or self-blame for the divorce and are torn between their parents. In order to prevent further stress for the parents, children will conceal these thoughts as to not create more stress for the family, resulting in even more of a negative impact on the child.

Once the separation has occurred, children struggle with transitioning to two houses.

Different rules in different households, brining items back and forth, staying organized, being responsible. 

Children don’t typically voice their feelings but rather may act out behaviorally or withdraw. 

Understanding the challenges your child faces, we provide counseling and play therapy to help them before, during, and after the divorce process. Divorce poses many emotional, social, behavioral and educational challenges for children. As a result, they need a safe place to express their emotions, process their thoughts and feelings, learn coping skills, develop a strong sense of self as well as gain a better understanding of all that is changing in their lives and how to deal with it.

We can help before, during, and after the divorce has occurred.
Most parents have lots of questions… we can help you find the answers!

There is no instruction manual when it comes to children and now that you are going through a divorce, parenting is even more challenging. Children present with different challenges when managing family stress. Do you have the tools and skills to help them get through it? We provide an individualized approach to therapy based upon the specific needs of your family dynamics.

After the first session you will begin to feel empowered and more able to manage the unique needs of your family in an emotionally healthy manner. 

How do we tell the kids about the divorce?
How do we help the kids transition from one house to the other?
How do we communicate with the kids when they are at the other parent’s home?
What do I do if my child doesn’t want to go to the other parent?
What do I do if my ex is speaking poorly about me to my kids?
Is my ex going to do the kids homework with them?
How do I know that my kids are being well cared for?

Learn how to take care of yourself and your kids in order to be a much more functional parent and person. Watch the dynamics of your family change positively as you grow as a parent!

In almost all divorce cases, mediation is a required part of the process. Alyse November is a Florida Supreme Court Certified Mediator. Being both a social worker and a mediator enables Alyse to have a unique mediation style, in helping couples effectively work through the mediation process.

During mediation, the parties talk about their concerns with a mediator and try to come to a mutual decision. Why litigate if you don’t have to? Have you ever heard the saying…? “Only the attorneys win when a couple fights”. That is why having the right mediator is important if you want to make your own decisions and not have a judge make them for you.

Alyse is able to walk a couple through the most challenging parts of the decision-making process, from parenting plans, to financial concerns, to the division of assets and property. Alyse knows that sometimes emotions may be driving the dispute which can make the negotiations come to a standstill. This is where her ability to help couples move through the emotional issues and begin to make decisions really makes a difference. Being a neutral party, Alyse will help you focus on solving your dispute, staying out of court and saving you a great deal of money in legal and court fees.

The collaborative divorce process is an approach to divorce where the couple work to problem solve and negotiate their issues and concerns rather than go to court and fight it out. The collaborative process allows the couple and their attorneys to work with a neutral collaborative facilitator, to achieve a mutually-agreed upon settlement. This is a good alternative to the use of the court system where you make decisions about yours and your children’s lives, not the judge. Alyse November is a collaboratively trained licensed mental health professional and can act as a facilitator in your collaborative divorce. She works together with collaboratively trained attorneys to help couples utilize the collaborative divorce process as a means to dissolve their marriage. To learn more about the collaborative divorce process, contact our office

Coaching while undergoing the divorce process can help you to learn more about yourself and your strengths while gaining insight about the challenges you are experiencing. A combination of therapy and coaching with one of our trained therapists assists by teaching you coping skills, recognizing obstacles, creating personal goals, and making a plan to move forward. Some issues addressed in coaching are budgeting, career counseling, setting new goals, letting go of the fear, developing new healthy friendships, and dating so that you can move on into a healthier more satisfying life. During the first session you will begin to see the world more clearly, feel more empowered and begin to see the path to your future.

A parenting coordinator can be appointed by a motion set forth in the courts by either parent or by both parents jointly. The parenting coordinator helps parents navigate the challenges they face in establishing and implementing a parenting plan that is in the best interest of the child.

As a parenting coordinator, Alyse understands the challenges of high conflict, stressful divorce situations and is typically able to help parents work together to establish and implement a parenting plan they both find agreeable. She will also continue to monitor compliance with the plan and assist in working through any challenges which may arise.

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